Please browse below for various resources for your education journey. Below you will find:
– Like Minded Schools
– Books
– Helpful Articles
Like Minded Schools
See how others are implementing similar learning strategies…
Our key difference is we take these approaches from a Biblical basis.
Acton Academy
Acton Academy has a very similar approach to education that we take, without the Biblical focus.
Sudbury School
The Sudbury School is well known for successfully taking a very similar approach to our methods. There is even a Sudbury School here in Atlanta.
The Life School
The Life School in Atlanta has successfully been providing education for students through both personalized approach and group projects as we do.
Natural Creativity
Natural Creativity in PA offers a way for kids to build out their creativity through their approach to self directed education.
NuVu Innovation School held at Cambridge teaches students to apply their learning to real world problems with the help of coaches.
Beach High
Beach High has been successfully supporting schools since the 90’s and has many testimonies of how students have gone on to very successful careers. Wes Beach has some great videos on YouTube discussing our similar approach to education and why it is so important.
High Tech High
High Tech High is a collection of high schools that take a similar approach to project based learning, showing how successful this is for real learning.
North Star
North Star, located in MA, is an alternative to middle school and high school, offering customized learning plans, coaching, and classes.
Other schools can be found on the Alliance for Self-Directed Education’s website.
Articles and Videos on True Learning
What others are saying about our approaches, proof that this type of education works. Imagine the difference your student will experience when done through the lens of Jesus!
What Is Self-Directed Education?
Learn more about self-directed education and the distinction between this and traditional schooling.
Parents: It Doesn’t Matter What College Your Kids Attend
Dr. Peter Gray addresses concerns about how the prestige of the college a student attends actually impacts success and happiness later in life.
How Schools Thwart Passions
Dr. Peter Gray explains how self-directed education aligns students with their gifts, talents, and passions.
Education Options EXPO
This is an entire YouTube channel dedicated to showcase and discuss education options that are providing ways to successfully launch students.
The Guiding Principles of North Star
These principles of education at North Star resonate with us. Our favorite is “The best preparation for a meaningful and productive future is a meaningful and productive present.”
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
In this, the most viewed TED talk, Dr. Ken Robinson explains why education needs to nurture creativity.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Research indicates that “grit” is one of the most powerful predictors of success. Watch this TED talk by Dr. Angela Duckworth to learn more about grit.
Micro-Schools Offer Kids A Customized, Hands-On Education
Read about the benefits of the micro-school movement, which includes independent, innovative schools of less than 150 students.
Helpful Books
Below are a few popular books related to education and learning.
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto
Unschool Yourself First: A Parent's Gateway to Self-Directed Learning
by Mark Beaumont
The Art of Self-Directed Learning: 23 Tips for Giving Yourself an Unconventional Education
by Blake Boles
Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools
by Mark Beaumont
Unschooling To University: Relationships matter most in a world crammed with content
by Judy Arnall
How Children Learn
50th Anniversary Edition by John Holt
Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education
by Ken Robinson, PhD
Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World
by Tony Wagner
Real Learning Starts Here
Contact us to learn more and see what learning can mean for your student.
We will reach out to you for time for us to meet and make sure this is the right fit for your student(s).